Sunday, December 21, 2008

last for 08

hehehe, many things happened and Christmas na! Didn't have much time to visit blogs and to do some sponsored posts (there were offers, sayang... tsk) but it's ok. hehe. I hope to learn more things next year. I'm getting to know Joomla! (not referring to anyone, but the cms lol)more. I miss Wordpress too. I want to see 2.7.

A graphics tablet would be a good gift. That's all i ever wanted since i joined deviantart last 05. (Not really ALL - i wantED a scanner too for my drawings.) hehehe.

Anyway, i hope 2008 will be a productive year.  Thank God for everything. For everything that i've achieved, to God be the Glory! :)

HI to you (you reading this), Merry Christmas, God bless you.
*i've typed some stupid words here, that i deleted, nonsense, haha.*