1.) http://www2.framestore-cfc.com/ FAV!
FRAMESTORE: POLAR PERIL. Bear jumping game. You have to wait for it to load if you don't have a faster connection. Tip: just touch the ice blocks, you don't really have to step into them.
TRIVIA SQUARES. Quiz game. Tip: be sure to watch the bear with number 3.
3.) http://www.keepbusy.net/play.php?id=open-doors FAV!
OPEN DOORS. Just get to the X which is the exit but it won't be easy. Tip: Take your time (you need plenty of time) and think think think.
4.) http://www.juliasneedledesigns.com/Air%20Force%20Test%20Game.htm
AIR FORCE TEST GAME. Click and hold the red square and do your best not to touch the sides and all the other square. I can't even reach 5 sconds.
5.) http://theblacktop.com/ahh.swf
AAHHHH!! Just don't let that stick touch the edges.
6.) http://www.shockwave.com/content/shuffle/sis/shuffle.swf FAV!
SHUFFLE. Very fun game. Tip: Just hit hard between two marbles.
7.) http://dagobah.biz/flash/Cursor_Invisible.swf
CURSOR INVISIBLE. I cannot understand at first but it was fun. Tip: just try it.
8.) http://www.onemorelevel.com/games/avoider.html FAV!
AVOIDER. Very fun. Just keep your cursor safe! Tip: That guy can not penetrate through the sides but his nasty gadgets can.
9.) http://mazzanet.id.au/ball.php
BALL. Very frustrating. Tip: just take it easy, calmly.
10.) http://www.cafecafegames.com/games/239/battle-mechs.html
BATTLE MECHS. Good game. RPG-type battle. You really have to decide well.
11.) http://www.plasticmartians.com/play.php?gameID=5
PLASTIC BALLS. Nice game just like the classic Arkanoid.
12.) http://www.mojang.com/notch/mario/ FAV!
INFINITE MARIO BROTHERS. Very very very fun! Brings back memories.
13.) http://www.ivoryboy.com/difference.html
5 DIFFERENCES. A typical spot the difference game. I gave up after spotting 4.