Friday, October 10, 2008


This is supposed to be Job Fair day, but we do not have water supply since last night so i can not go there yet. I actually lost my passion for that job fair, maybe because i'm thinking that the local companies that would be there are still the call centers of the city. I'm not discriminating call centers but i've just decided that i want a job that's related with arts, web designing, programming or engineering. :)


For the online life, i joined and post some responds and questions there. It's a really nice site if you are into web designing. I also played around my cPanel and messed up with Joomla! -> i really do not know what it is but since i've been always reading about it, i decided to install it because it's available. I signed up for and they give me daily updates about the available freelance works and most of the works involve using this Joomla thing. I kind of understand it now.


God bless.

1 comment:

escape said...

i agree. most of the job fairs today are hiring for call center. good luck on your job hunt.